On 5 June 2014, European Research Council Scientific Council Member and Chair of the Widening European Participation Working Group Prof. Eva Kondorosi visited Koç University. RPGTTD organized the visit, with participation from TUBITAK’s ERC National Contact Point Aslı Vural. Kondorosi first met with KU President Prof. Umran İnan and KU Vice President for Research and Development Prof. M. İrşadi Aksun. Later, she joined a conversation with a group of KU researchers interested in ERC applications. After visiting Prof. Hakan Ürey’s (the first Turkish ERC Advanced Grantee) lab, she left the campus.
Kondorosi’s visit is important for KU and Türkiye’s research area, because she is leading ERC work on increasing applications from countries like Türkiye with low participation in the program. Our President, Vice President and researchers gave her feedback on the problems they see with the ERC Program and asked her questions about the process of participation and evaluation.
We hope that in 2014 and after, the number of successful applications from KU and Türkiye in general will increase.